
Independent Operator

As I mentioned when discussing theories of human nature, one of my favorite manga uses the term "independent guerrilla." Quoting from their website, it describes a unit that remains on standby to act as needed rather than being assigned specific missions. In the manga, this unit operates independently, delivering decisive blows without belonging to any formal team, thus achieving significant results.Inspired by this concept, we have introduced a new initiative called "Independent Operators" in this year's personnel changes.
The primary reason for this decision is the frequent need to respond quickly to ongoing and future changes. What is needed in such situations are individuals who can swiftly respond to special tasks. Independent Operators possess the ability to initiate and complete tasks on their own, combining flexibility and a sense of urgency that comes from operating outside traditional organizational structures.We are committed to supporting such individuals and creating an environment where they can thrive and deliver results effectively.
Independent Operator