
The Best Sharpness in The World.

時代は昭和恐慌を脱出し、産業発展が進み、鉄鋼業、自動車、航空機、機械工業などの重化学工業が急成長を遂げた。その中で初代 中山佐市郎のトムソン刃が誕生、初声をあげる。其れから約1世紀、先人達の哲学や技術を継承し、創業以来変わらぬ「全ては高い品質のために」という旗幟鮮明なナカヤマイズムがある。


In 1937,
The era had escaped the Showa Depression and industrial development was underway. Heavy and chemical industries such as steel, automobile, aircraft, and machinery industries were growing rapidly. In the midst of this, the first Cutting Rule by Saichiro Nakayama, the founder, was born and made its first sound.

Nearly a century later since then, we have inherited the philosophies and technologies of our predecessors and have maintained the same clear banner of Nakayama-ism, “All for the sake of high quality,” since our founding.

As a result of our relentless pursuit and dedication to manufacturing products that meet the challenges and needs of our customers, we have been able to achieve the world’s highest quality and a stable supply of products.

However, we will never be complacent, and as the times evolve, Team Nakayama will renew itself and work as one with our customers to provide the best solutions.